Sunday, April 15, 2012

Undesirable Beauty....


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Theresa....he is hanging from a small pear tree. Thanks for stopping by.:0)

  2. AWESOME!!!!!! I caught a small snake, too! He is this big> | |
    Not very big, but he is just a baby so he will get as long as my dad witch is six and a half feet!! So he will get huge!

    I love snakes. I guess I am one of 2 other people in my family who loves snakes.

    Good photography!! I love it! So cool, I love photography, too.

    -Flannery at, A Farm Girl's Life

    1. Thanks for stopping by....I am not a lover of snakes but for some reason I have attracted them like a magnet this year. This is the 5th snake in the last 6 weeks although 4 of them have been babies. All have been non-poisonous.

  3. I LOVE this photo (since I love snakes). Very cool...

    1. Hi Kelly glad you stopped by and for being a new follower. I have never been real fond of snakes even though I grew up with 2 brothers that loved them and had them for pets. My son loves snakes and we did let him have them as pets also. This one was about 2 feet from where I was standing....eeek!

  4. Wow, great photograph! I hope you were not to close, posionous or not!
    Have an awesome weekend Linda..

  5. That is one scary picture! YIKES~! sandie

    1. Hi was more scary when I almost stepped on him in the grass. I was just glad my son-in-law was there to the rescue!

  6.'s a beautiful image but i don't love snakes. this coming from a girl who ran for the camera to photograph bats!!

    i think we will photograph just about anything!!

  7. Debbie you are so right....always keep that camera close by. :0)

  8. Yikes!!! I got to say, I am not a lover of snakes but I am fascinated with them from a distance and a barrier between them and I. :)
    In saying that you got a great shot. I am afraid I probably would have had camera shake if that had of been me. :)

  9. I am not real fond of them either Dianne but I had rather find them before they find me. I came close to stepping on this one....I shiver just to think about it. Have a blessed day!
