Monday, July 16, 2012

It Went Up In Flames!

I guess this old Barn served its time, at least the owners thought so......about a month after I snapped this photo the owners demolished it and burned it. It was kind of sad to see it go!

My Photography @ Zenfolio and Facebook.

God Bless
Be Safe



  1. it was well worth memorializing in this photo.

  2. That's a shame it was destroyed but that's why we photograph old barns so that they still live on.

  3. Oh how sad- it looked like it had a few more years left in it. Good thing you got a shot of it.

  4. Glad you captured the shot to share!

  5. Oh I am sad to hear that. The wood, at least, could have been re-purposed. It was lovely!

  6. Great old barn. So glad you got a photo before it was gone. I don't understand why they don't at least salvage the wood.
    Thanks for your visit and nice comment.

  7. Perhaps it would cost too much to repair/restore... nice light!

  8. It will live for ever thanks to you.

  9. looks like the line of a "christmas tree" ... too cool. so sad when it is just a good looking barn that they get rid of it. terrible. but i guess they think it is best for them. at least you have the picture for history & evidence that it was there. thanks, for linking up. enjoy your day. i'm Beth by the way. take care. (:

  10. Great photo os a beautiful barn! Marvelous light!

  11. oh that's so sad....i hate that they just went and burned it, so many people would love to re-use that wood for something else....kinda makes me mad! i hate to see things just go to waste!

  12. that makes me so sad. they didn't see her beauty at all. I hope they saved some of the wood at least. too bad! Glad you captured her and shared.

  13. It's too bad those old barns can't be restored. The new barns I've seen don't have the character and style of the old ones. I'm glad you took the photo to share.

  14. Linda, It would have been interesting to see this barn in its working years. It looks huge.

  15. Thank you for all of the comments on this barn...I appreciate all of you stopping by. I really hated to see it torn down and burned... it was too bad the owner did not recycle the beautiful barn wood or at least some of it. In its later years the barn was only being used to store hay.
    Thanks again,

  16. Nice shot! It's sad to see the old barns falling into ruin and being torn down. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  17. oh that's just so sad to me, although maybe there were some saftey concerns!!

    i am happy to at least see a picture of it!!
